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哈威中国上海办事处#哈威hawe液控单向阀#哈威hawe平衡电磁阀@HAWE 公司的企业原则




创新性就是企业及其员工的支柱。 创新性对我们来说就意味着不断的改进,但是即使在变化中也要保持*性。 创新性不仅包括我们对产品及其制造过程,还包括企业结构和流程的各个领域。


HAWE 公司是液压设备生产厂家中的企业。 在产品性能方面,我们的产品属于是市场上的*。 我们提供“给解决问题者的解决问题方案”,而且有意识地与那些没有产品差别的常规性液压设备区分开来。 咨询、设计以及服务都属于我们的配套业务范畴。


对我们来说,技术优势就在于性能价格比的*化以及顾客使用的*化。 产品设计和生产工艺,都与我公司员工的专业技能结合在一起,属于我们的核心能力。


我公司产品在安全相关领域的广泛应用,就要求我们在质量上要做到*化。 无论是在员工们的头脑里,还是在实际工作中,质量都是至关重要的。 质量在 HAWE 公司属于日常必需。



作为一家化的液压生产企业,我们在所有重要的工业化国家都设有代理。 我们也非常关注日渐崛起的快速增长市场。 德国本土市场是我们进一步发展的成功依托。


注 重业绩、团结紧密以及忠实性都是我们员工的标志性特征。 共同的目标、开放性、专业性以及公正的冲突解决方式,对合作起着决定性作用。 本公司有义务给员工提供合适的环境,使他们全面地获得信息,促进个人发展机会。 每一位管理者都起着榜样的作用。 只有带来业绩的人才能期待业绩。


我们的客户向我们需要什么,我们就向我们的供货商需要什么。我们与供货商之间在研发、物流以及服务领域内的密切配合,构成了长期友好合作的坚实基础。 我们根据明确定义的标准对供货商加以选择。


唯有依靠长久的利润才能确保企业的未来。 因此,利润*化乃是企业行动和决策的根本支柱。 凭借良好的自有资本后盾,我们具有并完善着作为自主经营的中型的巴伐利亚家族型企业的特征。

HAWE哈威中国上海办事处#哈威hawe液控单向阀#哈威hawe平衡电磁阀@Intersolar 2011: Small energy- and space-requirement

The KA compact power pack from HAWE Hydraulik SE, Munich, is ideally suited for supplying pressure oil to the tracking systems in solar power plants. The hydraulic components manufacturer presents two sizes of the power pack at the Intersolar 2011 in Munich.

The power pack is made up of a pump and an integrated submerged motor. As the oil cools down the motor so effectively, the rated performance and dimensions of the motor are significantly lower than that of an air-cooled motor. This reduces the moving masses and brings down the starting current ratio. In addition, if the power pack is combined with seated valves from HAWE Hydraulik in 8-Watt technology the power uptake of the hydraulic solution can be cut down still further.

When fitted with a radial piston pump it can generate operating pressures of up to 700 bar, while a gear pump will achieve a maximum of 200 bar. This makes the power pack especially reliable as the pump works in the mid-pressure range when installed in solar power plants. The new size of type KA 4 can generate a maximum volume flow of 19.9 liters/minute. The tank volume can be increased from five to 25 liters, depending on the tank extensions. Type KA 4 was developed for batch and cut-out operations.HAWE哈威中国上海办事处#哈威hawe液控单向阀#哈威hawe平衡电磁阀@

Connection blocks and valve banks to the power pack is straightforward. Thanks to the modular construction kit system the individual hydraulic components are easily turned into a full-sized system controller. As all pressurized parts are made from steel, the components excel through their compact design and little space requirement, which is also furthered by its submerged arrangement. Despite the steel used the deadweight is comparatively low. Type KA 4 can be mounted both, vertically and horizontally, and can thus be optimally adjusted to the installation space available.

A silica gel filter is available as option. It withdraws not only the moisture from the air inflowing into the power pack, but also acts as a fine filter, down to the size of My. Thus, the power pack can also be deployed without any further modifications in dusty and dirty surroundings. The power pack complies with IP class 65.

HAWE Hydraulik at Intersolar 2011

June 8-10, 2011

Hall C4, Booth 215

‘Neue Messe MünchenHAWE



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